Nickel titanium alloy Nitinol powder




Nitinol spherical particles, nitinol spherical powders, Niti Powder, Nickel titanium Granules, Nitinol gas atomized powder


Black Powder

Particle Size

0-45 um, 45-105 um, can be customized upon request

Melting Point



 6.45 g/cm 3

Tap Density

>4.0 g/cm³

Apparent density

>3.0 g/m3

nitinol nickel titanium alloy spherical powder for sale

Description of Nitinol Spherical Powder

Nitinol, also known as nickel-titanium alloy or memory alloy, is composed of nickel and titanium. It primarily comes in forms such as wire, sheet, tube, and powder. Key properties include the shape memory effect and superelasticity, allowing it to return to a preset shape upon heating or cooling and to recover its original shape after significant deformation. The shape memory temperature range typically lies between -20°C and 100°C, depending on the composition. Nitinol finds wide applications across various fields. In the medical industry, it is used to manufacture stents, dental braces, and surgical instruments. In aerospace, it is utilized for adaptive wings and temperature sensors.

Nitinol powder, also known as Nitinol alloy powder or memory alloy powder, is composed of nickel and titanium which often adheres to ASTM F2063 standards. nickel-titanium powder exhibits excellent corrosion resistance and biocompatibility, is primarily used in 3D printing and additive manufacturing.

Princeton Powder is a leading supplier of bulk nitinol powder. We specialize in a comprehensive range of spherical powder products and possess extensive expertise in additive manufacturing (3D printing) industry. With our expertise, we are confident in supporting your projects effectively and provide you with reliable solutions.

Chemical Composition

Chemical Composition (wt%)






Oxygen: 587 ppm; Nitrogen: 49 ppm

Particle Size distribution

0-15μm, 15-53μm, 45-105μm, 45-150μm. (Various particle sizes can be customized)

3D Printing Spherical Powder Tantalum Ta


  • Implants and Devices: Nitinol powder is used to manufacture custom surgical implants such as stents, bone plates, and orthodontic devices, thanks to its biocompatibility and shape memory effect.
  • Surgical Instruments: Its superelasticity and corrosion resistance make it ideal for producing flexible and durable surgical tools.
  • Lightweight Components: Nitinol’s high strength-to-weight ratio and shape memory capabilities are leveraged to create adaptive components like self-adjusting wings and high-performance sensors.
  • Actuators and Sensors: Used in systems that require precise and reliable actuation under varying temperatures and conditions.
  • 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing
  • Adaptive Systems: Utilized in components that benefit from shape memory and superelasticity, such as adaptive seating and impact absorption systems.

Spherical niti Powder Reference

Laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) of NiTi alloy using elemental powders: the influence of remelting on printability and microstructure

  • Additive manufacturing (AM) has now become a cost-effective, energy efficient and environmentally friendly fabrication process for low volume production. With the ongoing rapid reduction in three-dimensional (3D) printing costs, AM could soon become competitive with mainstream manufacturing forming strategies for mid-level runs as well. 
  • Nickel-titanium (NiTi), also referred to as nitinol, is one of the well-known, and frequently used, SMA materials.


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  • Alloy Melting: Nickel and titanium are melted in a vacuum or inert gas environment.

  • Atomization: The molten alloy is rapidly cooled and broken into fine particles using high-pressure inert gas.

  • Screening and Classification: The powder is screened and classified by size.

  • Thermal Treatment: Additional treatments, like annealing, enhance properties.

  • Quality Control: Rigorous testing ensures compliance with standards like ASTM F2063 for medical applications.

Metal powders come in a variety of shapes, including disc-shaped, multiwalled, or fraction-shaped powders, droplets, elongated, spherical, agglomerated, satellited, irregular, angular, spongey, flaky, cylindrical, cubic, and acicular shaped powders, among others.

  • Powder Bed Fusion (PBF): Nitinol powder is spread in thin layers, and a laser or electron beam selectively fuses the powder to form the desired shape layer by layer.

  • Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS): A laser sinters the Nitinol powder, solidifying it to create intricate and precise components directly from a digital model.

  • Binder Jetting: A binding agent is selectively deposited onto a bed of Nitinol powder to form the part layer by layer, followed by sintering to achieve full density