About Ceramic Powders

Ceramic powder refers to a finely ground material composed predominantly of inorganic compounds that exhibit ceramic properties. Ceramic powders are the raw materials used in the production of various ceramic-based products, including but not limited to ceramics, pottery, tiles, refractories, and advanced ceramic components.

Biomedical ceramic powders are specialized materials used in medical and dental applications due to their biocompatibility, mechanical properties, and ability to integrate with biological tissues. These powders are typically composed of ceramic materials such as hydroxyapatite HA, tricalcium phosphate TCP, alumina Al2O3, zirconia ZrO2, and bioactive glasses.

These powders consist primarily of non-metallic substances and are commonly derived from natural minerals or synthetic compounds. They can be categorized into different types based on the specific ceramic material being produced:

  1. Oxides: Examples include alumina (aluminum oxide), zirconia (zirconium dioxide), silica (silicon dioxide), and titania (titanium dioxide). These oxides form the basis for many ceramics and are known for their excellent thermal, electrical, and mechanical properties.

  2. Non-oxides: This category includes carbides, nitrides, and borides such as silicon carbide (SiC), silicon nitride (Si3N4), boron nitride (BN), hydroxyapatite (HA), tricalcium phosphate (TCP), and others. Non-oxide ceramics often exhibit exceptional hardness, high-temperature resistance, and unique electrical properties.

  3. Composite Powders: Ceramic powders can also be formulated as composites, combining different ceramic materials or mixing ceramics with other substances to achieve desired properties.

Ceramic powders are used in various industries and applications, ranging from traditional pottery and ceramics to advanced uses in aerospace, electronics, biomedical devices, energy systems, and more. Ceramic powders are fundamental materials used in various industries, including additive manufacturing (AM) or 3D printing, specifically in processes related to ceramic 3D printing.

We are a leading supplier in the USA, offering a wide range of ceramic powders for 3D printing, including laser sintering ceramic powder, ceramic casting powder, and ceramic welding powder.